Top Programming Language

 Top Programming Language You Must Learn


 C is the base language of every programming field. If you are master in this language then you can easily crack other programming language. This programming language is not so vast. But by learning this you can be able to develop vast program easily. All the Adobe, Mozilla Firefox, Google applications are written in C/C++.


In today’s generation the most used programming language is Java. All the android apps are written in Java and about 3 billion people use java programs on their phone. This programming was named after Oak tree,  then company was run by the name Green and then finally named after Java. Syntax are all similar to C/C++. But  it is rather simpler than C/C++.


Python is a high-level programming language which can be used for general programming purpose. Python was first called CPython because it was written in C though running on .NET. Google, world renowned company is written in Python. Even NASA does use Python. Apps like Instagram, Pinterest, Dropbox are written in Python. This language is very easy and less complex than Java. For beginner it is very easy to build up a career through it.


JavaScript and Java are not related. They both are different language though syntax is similar to C. Java is static typing but JavaScript is dynamic typing. Java is compiled by machine code but JavaScript is human readable language. JavaScript is usually used for Web-Designing. It is not programming language totally, it is a scripting language. Websites are built on JavaScript are done in 
HTML pages. Some of the websites are Cyclemon, One Millionth Tower, Quartz, Nick Jones


PHP is Hypertext Processor language which is general purpose programming language which is open source scripting language like JavaScript. Scripting language means the language which is totally based on the script. This language is also written in HTML. This language is also used for designing Webpages. Popular Sites like Facebook, Wikipedia, yahoo etc. are made through this app. According to survey this language is getting more popular than other language.


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